Sunday, November 27, 2016

How Raising Chili Fertigation System Hydroponics

Hydroponics chili Without Green House

Hydroponics - chili or chili is one of the favorite crops many farmers, even the pehoby also likes to plant chili. In Asia, especially tropic weather, chili is a food ingredients that must exist in every family. It is estimated that the consumption of chilli in Indonesia reached 1.77 kg per capita per year. Therefore, the business opportunity is large enough chilli cultivation and promising advantages, especially when the price of chili soar like some time ago.Pepper plants have properties that are very tolerant of climate, weather, and temperature. Chilli plants can be planted in the low, medium to high and could grow well in dry or wet season.
Chili cultivation can be done by various methods, well dilahan ground, using a polybag or with hydroponic techniques. Of some existing hydroponic techniques, hydroponic planting chili can be done with 4 system is the system wick / axis, nutrient movie tecknique (NFT), dutch bucket system (DBS), and fertigation system. But among all four hydroponic techniques that are most suitable for large scale hydroponic pepper cultivation is fertigation system. Fertigation system of choice for lower cost, the application is easy and not complicated. You are interested in planting chillies hydroponics fertigation system with no green house (GH)? Try practicing how to grow hydroponics chilli fertigation system below.
The following step-by-step "How To Grow Hydroponics System Fertigation Chili" without a green house (GH)

A. Preparation of Seed, Land and Inslasai Fertigation

1. Preparation of Seed Cabe Hydroponics

The initial step before raising chili hydroponics is to determine the type or varieties of chilli which we want to plant, whether cayenne pepper, chilli or chilli curls large. Then the seeds sown using seedling tray, seedling media could use cocopeat cocopeat or mixed with rice husk. Plant them in the media for seedlings, 1-2 seeds per hole seedling. Perform maintenance until seedlings ready for transplanting, around the age of 25-30 days after planting.
Read also Overcoming Loss Flowers and Fruit Tomato
2. Land Preparation
Tillage cultivation of hydroponic chilli fertigation system includes the clearing of weeds, mulch installation, set up a polybag, prepare the planting medium and fertigation equipment installation. The land area is adjusted for the hydroponic pepper plants that you will plant. If you wish to use the land prone to inundation during the rainy season, make beds with a height, width and length as the condition of the land.
3. Equipment and System Installation Fertigation
Equipment or supplies fertigation systems that must be prepared is a tub / nutrient reservoir, pipes, hoses fertigation, neple, stick fertigation, timers and pumps. After planting medium and fertigation installations are ready, then plug the stick fertigation in each polybag (see picture). More reading here: Land Preparation Fertigation Hydroponic cultivation Chili

B. How to Grow Hydroponics System Chili Fertigation

1. Preparation Polybag and Growing Media
Planting medium used here is full cocopeat / coco powder without mixture. For the planting medium scale businesses besides cocopeat can use the husk. Husk be an option because the price is much cheaper and easier to get. Or you can also use a mixture of cocopeat and husk. Diameter container or polybags used 25-30 cm.
2. How to Plant Seeds Chili Hydroponics
Chilli seeds can already moved hydroponic planting kepolybag at the age of 25-30 days after sowing. Choose healthy seeds download chilli seedlings from the nursery and its media try. Do it with care - care that the media does not get damaged seedlings. Make a hole in the planting medium, planting the seeds of chilli and a little tap-tap that are not easily collapse. Make a planting in the afternoon when the sun is not too hot. Immediately do nutrition with low ppm after completion of planting. Newly planted seedlings appear chili wilt in a few days, but on the 3rd day usually seedlings have already started to adapt.
Read also Tutorial Hydroponics Wick System
3. Dose and Time Providing Nutrition
Nutrients are used for hydroponics is ab chili mix. There are two types of nutrients ab mix sold in the market, namely the general nutrition and specific nutrients. Nutrisis generally consist of two types of nutrients for leaf vegetables and fruit nutrients to plants. While nutrition is nutrition ab special mix formulated specifically for certain crops, such as chili mix ab, ab mix tomatoes, eggplant and so ab mix. Well, in order to get the most use specific nutrients to the chili.
The dose of nutrients for hydroponic chili is as follows:
a). Early planting: 750 ppm
b). 2 weeks after planting: 1000 ppm
c). 3 weeks after planting: 1500 ppm
d). 4 weeks after planting: 2000 ppm
e). Generative period until the harvest: 2500 ppm
Time of nutrition:
a). Nutrition is given from morning to afternoon, set the timer so that the pump life six times in one day. Pump life for 3 minutes.
b). At night the nutrient flow is stopped / pump switched off
b). Every 1 week once the plant is given water without nutrition for 1 day.
4. How Maintenance Chili Hydroponics
Maintenance of pepper plants hydroponically includes the installation of stakes, pruning shoots and nutrition. Ajir installed and plugged in the ground, do not dipolibag because it feared would damage the roots of pepper plants.Then the plants being tied up with rope against buckling. If you do not use marker, plants can be supported using a net or rope. Shoots (shoots that grow on the main stem) can dirempel can not. Shoots water could be discharged until kecabang dirempel Y or reduced sebagain only.
5. Pest and Disease Cabe Hydroponics
Pests and diseases in hydroponic pepper plants are no different from pepper plants in general. Pests are often found in pepper, among others, aphids, mites, thrips, armyworms, caterpillars soil, fruit flies, and so on. While the disease often attacks the pepper plant, among others wilt, rot, anthracnose, stem rot, leaf spot, root rot, dieback and downy mildew.
To control please read here: Controlling Pests and Plant Diseases Chili
6. Chili Harvest Hydroponics
Great chili can be harvested as green chili or red chili. If you wish to be harvested as green peppers, harvesting can be done earlier that when the pepper fruit is still young and before the chilies lightly browned. If you wish to be harvested as red chili, chilies can start harvested at 85-90 days after planting, depending on the varieties.
Similarly, "How to Grow Chili Fertigation System Hydroponics" without using the green house. Mechanical and photos on this article I got from my friend, Areyip Ismail (Sebatik - Malaysia). Thanks a lot to him because it was willingly shared knowledge about hydroponic pepper cultivation here. He was successful hydroponic plant chili without GH or without green house, hopefully this article can inspire us all and benefit the reader. May be useful…

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