Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Complete Guide To Profitable Livestock CHICKEN VILLAGE

Aquaculture - Chicken is a kind of free-range chicken (not a race)that has been farmed since ancient times. The scientific name for chicken is Gallus domesticus, chicken type is the most widely reared poultry for meat and eggs are used for consumption.Chicken in Indonesia are generally bred only as a sideline only.Chicken reared in almost every home, as a sideline maintenance of chicken is not done intensively. In general, people are umbaran chicken raising, namely chickens are let loose to feed themselves in the wild, and entered the cage at night alone. The feeding was not done routinely, feed only be granted if there are remnants of rice or other food scraps.

Chicken is one type of poultry that has grown in popularity and spread throughout the archipelago. For the people of Indonesia, chicken is not something foreign. Chicken is easy to find and virtually present in every home, especially in rural areas. The term "Chicken" is the opposite of the original term "chicken", and this designation refers to chickens found wandering freely around the housing. However, since the program is done developing, refining, and some local chicken breeding superior, known today are even some superior race chicken. To distinguish now known term free-range chicken (short for "Chicken is not a race") for chicken that have been selected and maintained with improved cultivation techniques (not just diumbar and left to find their own food. Ranch chicken has a significant role in supporting the local economy rustic because it has high adaptability to the environment and the maintenance is relatively easy.

Until today, there are many people who do activities villages en masse poultry or massive commercial scale. Though business prospects chicken farm in Indonesia is promising. Chicken has a different flavor to the chicken (broilers and laying hens). Chicken meat tastes more delicious than the chicken. Chicken liked because the meat is chewy and "contain", not mushy and lean as chicken. A variety of Indonesian dishes are still using a lot of chicken for meat processing resistant (not destroyed in processing). Besides chicken meat has advantages over broiler meat, because of higher nutrient content. The market price is much higher chicken chicken farming village so much more promising profit. Unfortunately, not many people who take advantage of these opportunities.

Lately, chicken farming village tune. Seriring increased demand for both chicken meat and eggs, cattle chicken is now widely cultivated in semi-intensive and intensive. Livestock chicken was not just meat, but many are oriented towards the egg. Not only that, people seemed to be getting tired of eating chicken meat / chicken pieces. They prefer chicken to be fine dining. This is evidenced by the increasing demand for chicken meat, particularly towards certain days, for example, before the month of fasting and Eid.


In Indonesia there are many types of chicken that is already quite familiar in the community. Some varieties of chicken that is already well known in Indonesia as follows; kedu chicken, chicken Nunukan, pelung chicken,chicken Sumatran belenggek chicken, chicken crow, samba chicken, chicken arab and others.


There are at least three kinds of systems used in raising chickens. That system is extensive (traditional), semi-intensive and intensive. These three systems each indicate the scale of farming activities itself, the scale of small, medium and large scale. However, intensive systems are not suitable for livestock chicken and suitable only for cattle laying hens and some other types of chicken. Chicken is the chicken local native who was used to living free and can not be kept in cages which makes its movement is limited.

See also How To Make Nutritious CHICKEN FEED Complete with Low Cost

1. Livestock Systems extensive Native Chicken (Traditional)

Extensive system or the traditional system is the system most widely performed in the raising of chickens by people in Indonesia. This system is also called umbaran system, namely chicken cattle are let loose in the free without cages. Poultry istem more traditionally done by the community who live in rural areas, given the availability of land is still widespread. Breeders consider this only as a sideline, and therefore they are not so concerned technical and economic calculations.

System chickens umbaran (traditional) is generally only done on a small scale. breeders only
utilizing the results of livestock, both chicken meat and eggs for their own purposes. With the traditional system, farmers do not need to pay for the purchase of feed. Feed only be granted if there are leftovers, and the chicken will find your own additional food in nature. Capital in the activities of chickens with this system is relatively low, but productivity is also low.

Raising chicken with this system also does not require a cage, because at night the chickens are usually allowed to perch in trees that are around the house. There are also farmers who supply the enclosure, but only as a place to sleep at night. While during the day the chickens are let loose and find their own food around the yard. Poultry traditional systems have many drawbacks, including the following;

a). Death chicks are relatively high, because the chicks are not well maintained and let loose with their mother.
b). The chicken was very prone to disturbance of wild animals, such as snakes, raccoons, lizards, hawks and other predators.
c). Productivity is very low, both meat and eggs.

2. Livestock CHICKEN VILLAGE Semi-Intensive Systems

In semi-intensive systems, livestock chicken done in a medium to large scale. In this system the chickens reared and released in the expanse of land / yard. But space is limited to chicken because of the surrounding land is made fence to keep cattle out. Inside the fence are also created as a refuge chicken coop at night or take shelter if it rains. In this system of land left natural and paved the ground as in the past so that cattle can get extra food with ease.

Maintenance chicken with a semi-intensive system begins with the separation of newly hatched chicks from a parent. The chicks kept in special cages and fed according to their needs. Persenyase chick mortality rate is much lower because the chicks are well maintained. In addition chicks safe from disturbance of wild animals or chickens adults.

The feeding is done once a day, that every morning before the chickens removed from the cage. Furthermore, the chicken can search for their own feed yard in cages. Availability of natural feed in order to stay awake, sometimes in a cage hoeing soil that is not solid and earthworms can grow well. Raising chicken with semi-intensive systems require sufficient land. The number of chickens that are kept in the availability of land.

3. Livestock CHICKEN VILLAGE In Intensive

In intensive systems chickens in the stable all day without removable at all. Chickens can not to feed itself and its movement is very limited. Chicken is kept in a cage and locked up for 24 hours straight will cause slow growth. And automatically the cost of purchasing more feed because chickens can not feed themselves looking in nature.


Seed chicken can be obtained by means of its own incubate chicken eggs, eggs can be obtained from hens that have to be maintained or purchased. In addition to eggs, seeds can also be purchased in the form of DOC (Day Old Chicken) that newly hatched chicks, can also buy heifers. If you buy seed, make sure the seller is a trusted person and is experienced in the world of chickens. Make sure also the origin of the seeds we buy, to avoid loss of seedlings sure that we buy really good quality and quality comes from the parent. Keep in mind, that the seeds have a major contribution in the success of chickens. Here are the characteristics or criteria DOC (newly hatched chickens) good to be nurtured and bred;

See also How To Make Nutritious CHICKEN FEED Complete with Low Cost

> Seed chick hatches at the right time, not late or faster
> Having eyes bright and shining, avoid buying DOC who have less good eye
> Seed DOC looks agile and can stand upright
> Seeds should be healthy and fit
> Seed does not have a physical disability
> Having feathers clean and shiny look

D. How GRANT OF FEED Livestock Native Chicken

Feed also has a big influence in the success in chicken farming village. Good feed must contain protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals is needed by cattle. Chicken feed does not have to be pellets or concentrate, the feed can be anything as long as it is healthy and likely to cause disease. Here is one advantage in chicken farming village because feeding is not as complex as in chicken flocks race. Chicken feed could be a worm, insect or leftovers that have not decomposed.

The following dose administration chicken feed according to age levels;

> Age 0-7 days: feed given 7 grams / head / day
> Age 8-14 days: feed given 19 grams / head / day
> Age 15-21 days: feed given 34 grams / head / day
> Age 22-28 day: feed given 47 grams / head / day
> Age 29-35 day: feed given 58 grams / head / day
> Age 36-42 day: feed given 66 grams / head / day
> Age 43-49 day: feed given 72 grams / head / day
> Age 50-56 day: feed given 74 grams / head / day
> Water needs to be given adequate and added vitamins and antibiotics, especially at the beginning of the maintenance that is when chicken is still small. Chicks aged 0-14 days are particularly vulnerable to health problems.


This type of feed for chicken could be anything, the most important nutritional content. Good feed for chicken containing at least 12% crude protein and energy was 2500 kcal / kg. Feed is the most practical and contain many nutrients are feed factory that sold in the market. But to get the feed must be redeemed at a price not cheap. If you always give a feed factory of course will add to the cost of production, this will lead to gains slightly. To work around that feed costs can be reduced and earn greater profits, we can mix their own feed.

Here are the ingredients and how to make potions feed themselves;

1. Chicken Feed Age 0-60 days

For newly hatched chicks or age of 0-60 days can feed using the feed manufacturer. Use specially refined granulated feed for chicks to be easily digested.

2. Chicken Feed Age 61-120 days

For chickens that have been aged 61-120 days could feed using the feed mixture manufacturers, bran and
corn. Comparison of each feed is 1 kg of feed manufacturer: 3 kg bran: 1 kg of grits.

3. Chicken Feed Age 121 days and above

For chickens aged 4 months or older, the feed given to using layers and bran or corn.
Comparison layer thereof is 1 kg and 2 kg of bran or corn. To add to the nutritional value, the feed can be added with finely chopped forage as much as 20% of the amount of feed.

See also How To Make Nutritious CHICKEN FEED Complete with Low Cost

4. Chicken Feed Age 180 days and above

When chickens aged 6 months ketasa usually has entered a period of productive or laying periods. To chickens that had entered the nesting period (the productive stage) feed can be given layer and bran or corn. With a ratio of 1 kg of feed layer and 1 kg of bran or corn. Add finely chopped forage as much as 25% of the amount of feed given.

5. Feed Supplement

For adult chickens (age 4 months or more) can be given additional food in the form of leftover food, pulp, pulp cassava, taro / taro, yams, mashed conch shell and so on.


In doing so, chicken farming, construction and location manufacture cages cages must also be considered. In addition to the things already mentioned above, the enclosure also has contributed to the success of chicken farming village. The chicken coop should be eligible for occupancy by the cattle and can not be made at random. The following eligibility criteria chicken coop that is good;

> Location of the cage is not too close to houses and settlements, a minimum of 5 m from the settlement.
> The cage is not moist and always in dry conditions
> Cages made facing east, so the morning sun can directly get into the cage
> The cage should have vents for air circulation goes well
> Choose a location that is somewhat protected from strong wind gusts, eg near a wall or building.
> Cages should be cleaned frequently so that the health of poultry can be assured
> Number of animals in one cage adapted to the size of the cage, not to jostle or coincident chicken


One of the benefits of chicken farming is not require intensive maintenance. Maintenance chicken is much easier, unlike the maintenance of laying hens or broilers. What should be emphasized is the maintenance in the early days, the age group 0-14 days. At the age of chicks must be properly maintained. If the rainy season or at night with cold air, cage chicks must be heated so that the chicks do not die of cold. In the early days of the provision of vitamins and antibiotics are also highly recommended that chickens have a good immune system.

In adult chickens, the main requirement in livestock raising chicken is fulfillment enough fodder,
cage viable and comprehensive umbaran location. In addition to the feed, chicken also in desperate need of feed obtained directly from nature. Insects, worms, grass and other forage is a good feed for chicken. Therefore umbaran field sites for chicken to be conditioned as natural as possible, so that the availability of food in nature is relatively abundant.


Although chicken have more endurance is excellent, but it is also possible livestock disease. Several types of diseases that often attack the chicken, among others; Newcastle disease (ND), Gumboro disease, chicken worm disease, defecation lime and dysentery. To prevent the disease attacks the chicken to consider some of the following;

> Maintain the cleanliness of the cage and the environment umbaran
> Sanitation good cage
> Make the enclosure at a location that getting enough sunlight in the morning
> Provide vitamins and antibiotics in the early period of growth so that the chicks have good endurance
> Do not leave food scraps that are stale and rotting
> Conducting regular vaccination
> Provide feed rich in nutrients and vitamins
> Immediately alienate and destroy livestock disease

The Complete Guide To Profitable Livestock CHICKEN VILLAGE Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown


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